I have some pretty amazing kids, and I am certain that I don’t tell them enough just how great they are. (I should probably work on that, hmmm…) Anyways, today while I was cleaning up I came across a story that Hunter had written for a Cubs project entitled, “The Magic Mouse”. As I started reading, I couldn’t believe how good it was. He loves to read and clearly has a talent for writing. (Well, his mother thinks so)
Before I get to the story, my super talented awesome child is also very active in lots of extracurricular activities. He participates in weekly Cub meetings and he joined the track team and ran his first race in October.

He also is a member of the Lego Robotics team at school. He had to work really hard to keep his grades, attend all the meetings and of course stay out of trouble to keep on the team. After months of working together to build a super robot for their competition this past weekend, he was so excited to go and show off all their hard work.
Here he is proudly showing off his “Bricks for Brains” team shirt. Unfortunately, he got sick right before his team was to compete and had to come home early, but we are still proud of him nonetheless.

He also sits on his school student council. He helps with fundraisers and organizing activities for the kids at his school.
Hunter really is such a kind hearted child. He is always helping me when I ask, and seems to just know when I’ve reached my highest level of stress and tries to help me before I even ask. He is a good friend and just has a sweet disposition to him. He is extremely smart and enjoys reading, solving brain puzzles and playing on the computer. He is just a perfect addition to our family.
Alright, so if you’ve stuck around long enough, here is his story. Thanks for listening to me brag about my wonderful first born. ♥
The Magic Mouse- by Hunter Workman
Once upon a time there was a little mouse. He had a horrible life! He lived in an extremely small hole in the wall, he barely survived because of the mouse traps everywhere, and he was right on the verge of death because of the food supply! Then one day he had had enough! He packed up his things (that took about 10 seconds) and he left!
He looked at a hole that was really big, had no mousetraps, but barley had enough food for him to live. He looked at a hole that was just the right size, had just only 3 mouse traps that were from the last owner ( lying dead in the corner if you’re wondering) and enough food to survive. He thought to himself “I think this is the best house I’m going to get” so he moved in and went to bed.
That night he was visited by a magic mouse angel who had seen his life and picked him because he was the poorest of the other mouse that he had seen. He said “I’ll grant you one wish, but if you don’t like it, you can take it back”. The little mouse said that he would like to think about it so the angel gave him until tomorrow night then he had to give his wish. The little mouse thanked the angel and bid him a farewell. The next night the angel came back and said “what is your wish” the little mouse asked for a better house with better food and no mouse traps at all and none from the owners. The angel granted his wish and then “bang”!!!!!! The little mouse was in the big house with everything he had asked for! He was so happy! He went and ate and ate and ate. He ate until he was stuffed. He went to bed and had an awesome dream.
The next morning he saw his stuff was in the house and unpacked. Man that angel was awesome. He went and ate breakfast. He went and explored the house. He found a whole bunch of awesome things like a hot tub, TV room with an awesome couch, a window, and stuff like that. He had lived there for at least a week and he was getting pretty fat, but he didn’t care. He had lived there for at least a month and he wasn’t doing any better, in fact it was getting out of hand. He could barely move around the house, his bed was too small for him, and he didn’t even fit in the hot tub! He realized maybe that he did have too many things.
The next night he called for the angel and asked for his wish to be undone. The angel saw him and realized why. The angel undid his wish and he got moved back to his old house. First thing the mouse did was work out. He had a lot to catch up on.
The End