For as easy as yesterday's drink was, today is it's harder, messier friend. But don't worry. These definitely have a wow factor (if that's what you're going for) And they are pretty cool looking. Well, you'll see. Lets get started shall we.
Start by taking 100 flex straws and stretching them up all the way up.
Find a jar or container that is really tall and has sides that go straight down. (not sloped, does that make sense?) On most of the websites that I found these on, they used a milk carton (1L) but since I live in the land of milk bags, I had to make do with what I had.
Tie all the straws together. The better they fit in the jar (less room around the tied bundle) the better.
Okay, now it's time for the brew.
Take 1 package of raspberry or grape jello and 3 packages of unflavored gelatin, knox. (roughly 4.5 tsp) And mix them together.
Take 3 cups of boiling water and stir into jello until dissolved.
Allow jello/water to cool before adding whipping cream. (3/4 cup)
Once the whipping cream is added, start adding green food coloring a little bit at a time to make your jello a murky, purplish, grey color. (I also added some purple to mine)
Once that's done, you can start pouring the jello mixture into the tops of the straws. Your container will start to fill with the jello that is running out of the straws. That's okay.
That's what our tray underneath is for. To catch whatever won't stay in our cup. (the straws won't sit perfectly flat on the bottom of your cup, despite your best efforts. Don't stress about it like I did. It will be okay. promise)
Okay so once you've used up all your mixture. Pop it in the fridge for at least 8 hours or overnight.
The next morning, (or 8 hours later) peel your straws from the jello surrounding them.
(sorry for the pic. It was so slimy and gross. I didn't want to stand there forever holding it. ikk)
Untie the ribbon and take a couple straws at a time and run them under hot water for a couple seconds. (This is a VERY important step, if you don't do this, you won't get a perfect little jello worm, like this)
You might ask, how do I get the worm out of the straw.. well once you have run it under water, squeeze the straw until your jello starts to come out the bottom of the straw.
Repeat 100 times.
Sick hey.
The worms have those awesome little ridges from the flex straws, that make them look really authentic.
I tossed some chocolate cookie crumbs for the dirt. And that's all there is to it.
So, here's my two cents (for what it's worth)
These are a little messy and kinda time consuming. They don't taste all the great. (kids liked them though) And it bothers me that my jello separated a bit from the whipping cream (don't know how to fix that, seemed to be a common problem amongst the people that made these) So with that being said. They are cute, they were fun to make, but probably won't make again....
although, they would look pretty cute, atop a cupcake... hmmmm.
umm, i totally gagged a little. kids would love it though!
Posted by: KL Bezooyen | October 26, 2009 at 10:26 PM
Ewww! They look totally real!
Posted by: lynn Crapo | October 26, 2009 at 01:48 AM
You are incredible. What can I say. Its great to claim talent in our family.
Posted by: Verna | October 26, 2009 at 12:32 AM