So, with much reluctance I have to put my halloween posts on hold for just a bit, since we have an equally important holiday coming up (not as much fun, but important nonetheless) So, if you know, in Canada we celebrate Thanksgiving in October. The only problem I have with that, is I never get to keep my decorations up long enough for either holiday.
Anyways, moving on. So this year, I really wanted to set the table in a really special way. Not being able to afford brand new autumn colored dishes. (sad) I opted for some super cool paper plates. (I know what you're thinking... but they really are cute, you'll see in a minute)
And the next thing on my list was to find name card holders. Yes, I do realize that only my family will be attending our Thanksgiving dinner, but I love me any reason to do things over the top adorable.
So after looking at a couple sets of place card holders, I decided that I clearly would not be able to afford any and started looking for an alternative.
When I stumbled upon these adorable little pumpkins from Hobby Lobby. They are made of Styrofoam and covered in tiny little glass beads.
Even better, they were only 70ยข each.
The next thing was to figure out how to attach a name card. I thought of a couple really complex ideas, but finally settled for an obvious easy way.
I took a sharp knife (shhh, don't tell Cutco) and cut down the little stem of the pumpkin a little less than halfway.
A good tip to try and remember (if you're going to do this) is try to angle your knife just slightly, so that when you put your name tag in it will be tilted back just slightly, making it easier to read.
And that's it. Just pop your card in the cut you just made and you're done.
I found these printable name cards on Martha Stewarts website. She has 3 choices to pick from. martha's name cards
I just slightly altered mine to a smaller size and cut off the back half. Added a typed name in photoshop and printed them on white cardstock.
I'm excited to use these again and again. (I picked up 8 little pumpkins, accounting for future dinner guests)
I TRULY agree with your mom!!!
Posted by: lynn Crapo | October 19, 2009 at 01:53 AM
Sooo Cute! And Sooo smart!!!!
Posted by: Lynn | October 10, 2009 at 02:38 AM
Very cute, and crafty as always. Happy Thanksgiving... we miss that over here!
Posted by: amanda | October 07, 2009 at 05:42 PM
Your talents are not being fully utilized for just the family - you need to do a book and make $$$$'s.
Posted by: Mom | October 07, 2009 at 03:15 PM