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September 14, 2010


wow gold

wow gold maintain legs and so and so so model.


where did you get the cupcake toppers? the gum stamps this is beautiful!


Your ideas and designs were beautiful and affordable, along with being age appropriate. Thanks for the ideas and pictures. Good luck with new baby


Do your children only like chocolate cupcakes? Just noticed all the posts I've looked at of parties were chocolate cupcakes! I love ALL your ideas! You're an amazing mother for making each child feel special.

Kristi McInerney

omg you are the best mommy ever! and you sew! bless you!!!

Tiffiny Felix

Squeee! My youngest is turning 5 in June and she wants a mermaid party. I LOVE your seaweed!! Absolutely amazing! Thanks for such a great idea! :D


Love, love, love this party decor. You are so creative! Love all the details. Just Amazing!


That's adorable - LOVE the cupcakes and cake. wow. thanks for the inspiration!


AWE-some! It is now official...I can no longer share your blog with my poor children!


Ok Amy...I am asking you for Janie: "Can you really, like really, I'm serious, do my sixteen b-day party, NO, like really!!"

nikki workman

Happy Birthday to the cutest little Canadian mermaid I've ever seen. Amy, you out styled yourself - super super cute!


Amazing! I love the cake and cupcakes! Great idea about the brownie pops!


You seem to be Super Mum. The memories of you children's happy childhood will be with them forever. How very lucky they are.


Move here please;)


Just BRILLIANT....there's nothing more to say, except....it is every little girls dream party....so clever....the colours are lovely....the cake is gorgeous....the decorations are so imaginative. You should write a book a 'how to', really you should....I'd buy it!

lynn Crapo

You are simply amazing. You truly are!


Well, it certainly was a "sea" theme which is kinda like mermaids anyway....you are getting really good at the fondant and gum paste (something I haven't done)...I'll be taking tips from you soon...LOL
Good job though and I can see your siblings will be hiring you to do their parties one day!!

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