I was so, SO excited to do a Harry Potter birthday party for Hunter. There are hundreds and I mean hundreds of ideas for games, treats, food, drinks and more with 7 books and movies to pull inspiration from, I was in heaven.
We covered all the windows with shades so that our candles would glow and have a great atmosphere for the party. Not so great for taking pictures though. :)
Helium filled balloons in the corner was our Hogwarts Owlry. They were here to deliver Hunter’s presents. I drew the faces on the owls with a black sharpie pen.
Here’s Hedwig.
The whole table scene with more lights on.
I really wanted to replicate the candle scene from the first book in the great hall, but after almost burning the house down (just kidding) I came up with this idea. I was thrilled with how it turned out.
Little LED candles that I wrapped in white paper and strung from the ceiling with fishing line. It was probably my favourite part of the whole party.
In the center of the table we had our potion ingredients. I found some free printable labels on the internet and just filled the jars with creepy fun stuff.
To start the party each guest chose the spot they wanted to sit at. At each setting there was an envelope with magic powder to become the person on the card.
Using our polyjuice potion, we filled our cups and became new people for the night.
Hunter becoming Harry Potter.
Ava becoming Luna Lovegood.
Grey as Hagrid.
We also had Darren as Severus, Lily as Moaning Myrtle and I was Hermione.
Once we were in character it was time to eat!
We drank butter beer which I took clear cream soda added butter rum flavouring and topped with a sweetened cream. It was SO good.
What Harry Potter party would be complete without a trip to Honeydukes the candy shop.
I made these really simple labels in photoshop and made black cards to sit in front of each candy dish.
The pictures aren’t the greatest (I was still getting used to my new camera) but you get the idea. I think I bought the majority of the candy from Bulk Barn.
I saw lots of great ideas for Harry Potter cakes, but I figured I would go more simple with his cake since the other stuff took so much time to prepare.
So I made little mandrake cakes.
Little plastic babies that I hot glued plant tops to their heads.
This picture is blurry, but it was so funny. When Hunter pulled the mandrake out of his cupcake Darren screamed. This was Hunter covering his ears and laughing it was great!
Present time!
(You can save your oh, how sweet look at his reaction… he thought it was an iPad)
So we had to explain what it was exactly.
Happy Birthday to my double digit boy.
I'm throwing a surprise Harry Potter themed birthday party for my boyfriend this weekend. I know its super last minute, but i LOVE your ideas. Any chance you could email me your adorable labels (if you still have them)? Thanks so much!
Posted by: Rachel | March 19, 2013 at 11:09 PM
Really great...
any tips about your little mandrake cupcakes?
Posted by: connie Yake | January 03, 2013 at 10:29 PM
Can you share the document for your labels please? Thanks so much for the great ideas!!!!
Posted by: Kelly | October 16, 2012 at 10:54 AM
This is so VERY cute! You did a bang up job and I am so stealing your ideas for our Halloween party this year. My 6yo is really in to HP right now, so we're decking the house out to look like Hogwarts... Thanks so much for all the great inspiration and eye candy. ;)
Posted by: Cindi Brooks | October 12, 2012 at 05:05 PM
Great Ideas. wonderful design. I love your page. I am preparing my daughters birthday Harry Potter (10 years) and wonder if you may send me the document with the design for the buffet signs. Thanks a lot.
Posted by: Nike Siewert | October 01, 2012 at 06:43 AM
so awesome!! great job!!
Posted by: leslie | July 18, 2012 at 11:05 PM
Love the parties! SO great!!!
Posted by: Melissa | July 05, 2012 at 04:53 PM
Hello Amy, I am new around here and I have to tell you that I love your blog. You are such a great mom and wife! Seeing post like this one, makes me wants to be a mom so badly! So I can give so much love like you do to your family!
Thanks for sharing, love all of your ideas!
Greetings from Mexico! :)
Posted by: Alejandra Sánchez Ayala | July 02, 2012 at 02:43 AM
Beautiful!! Love all of it:) I am with Patricia:)
Posted by: Lyn | June 28, 2012 at 04:34 PM
I am 27 years old and I want to do this for my birthday!
Posted by: Patricia | June 28, 2012 at 09:38 AM
That was AWESOME. I wish we lived closer... I would hire you to do my kids' parties :D
Posted by: Amanda | June 27, 2012 at 07:30 PM
Great work on the party! You never cease to amaze me!
Posted by: Sarah | June 27, 2012 at 03:06 PM
LOVE it Amy!! Aiden got that exact Skylanders game for his birthday too :)
Posted by: Allison | June 27, 2012 at 01:06 PM