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June 27, 2012



I'm throwing a surprise Harry Potter themed birthday party for my boyfriend this weekend. I know its super last minute, but i LOVE your ideas. Any chance you could email me your adorable labels (if you still have them)? Thanks so much!

connie Yake

Really great...
any tips about your little mandrake cupcakes?


Can you share the document for your labels please? Thanks so much for the great ideas!!!!

Cindi Brooks

This is so VERY cute! You did a bang up job and I am so stealing your ideas for our Halloween party this year. My 6yo is really in to HP right now, so we're decking the house out to look like Hogwarts... Thanks so much for all the great inspiration and eye candy. ;)

Nike Siewert

Great Ideas. wonderful design. I love your page. I am preparing my daughters birthday Harry Potter (10 years) and wonder if you may send me the document with the design for the buffet signs. Thanks a lot.


so awesome!! great job!!


Love the parties! SO great!!!

Alejandra Sánchez Ayala

Hello Amy, I am new around here and I have to tell you that I love your blog. You are such a great mom and wife! Seeing post like this one, makes me wants to be a mom so badly! So I can give so much love like you do to your family!

Thanks for sharing, love all of your ideas!

Greetings from Mexico! :)


Beautiful!! Love all of it:) I am with Patricia:)


I am 27 years old and I want to do this for my birthday!


That was AWESOME. I wish we lived closer... I would hire you to do my kids' parties :D


Great work on the party! You never cease to amaze me!


LOVE it Amy!! Aiden got that exact Skylanders game for his birthday too :)

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