This year we decided to do our main father’s day celebration with breakfast (mostly because his gifts were new clothes to sport at church that morning) But still, it was nice to do a fancy breakfast for a change, although it did require a sacrifice on my part; getting up very early.
I made cream cheese and strawberry stuffed French toast. With bacon and a fresh strawberry watermelon drink.
This next gift was from the little boys. It included a little toy car, which Darren thought was the gift.
But really it was a t-shirt with a road map on the back so the little boys can run their cars along and give him a back massage at the same time.
Lily gave Darren a little spider plant from school.
For church that day I had made these little bags of candy for the kids to give to the kids for their dads.
Filled with Hershey’s hugs and kisses.
We were so productive this year that we even sent Grandpa a gift too (my Dad!)
I bought a plain tie from Michaels and picked up a few extra supplies to create our masterpiece for Grandpa.
We dyed it yellow and then I painted a bare tree on it. The kids filled in the branches with their fingers tips.
We also included some questionaries' about Grandpa, which I think was his favourite part.
A great Father’s Day and many more to come.